
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Quote of the Day: July 29

Today's quote I actually got from Tumblr, no surprise there. And I think what made this quote really jump out at me is that it's a really important but not said enough in the right words.

People often interpret this quote as "YOLO," but to me this quote means so much more. To me "YOLO" is just a saying kids use to excuse something stupid or adventurous. This quote is more meaningful. It's about life and your journey through it. It's about change and making the right decisions for your life. I think this is one of my favorite quotes that I've come across and I hope you like it too. If you have any ideas about what you think this quote means, leave it in the comments below, and I will see you next time.

Love Sara :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Silent Speakers.

I am quite. Like really quite. So quite actually that sometimes people think I don't like them and that's why I don't talk, or they think I just cant talk. And I hate when that's happens. I've probably lost fiends because of my quiteness, just because I have nothing to say and we just awkwardly sit there in silence until one of us walls away. And I always thought I was alone in this. I just thought that's who I am, I just need to grow out of it. But then the other day I went on Tumblr and found this amazing post. And if there's anything I've learned from Tumblr, it's that you're never alone.
The post I found was this: 
And when I found this it was like, " Holy crap. I'm not alone." It's one of the greatest feelings. And I think before I knew I wasn't alone because out of the other 7 billion people in this world there has to be atleast one other person who feels this way, but you always feel alone until you find that person. The statistics don't reassure you, the people do. Real people, who live and breathe just like you. And finding this was finding my real people.  I know this is sort of a rant, but I've written this because I want other people to know, you're not alone. You may not have the silence problems I have, and I may not have what problems you have. But you're not alone, just like I'm not alone.

Hope you enjoyed this post. disclaimer. I'm currently at the eye doctors sorting out my vision, so if there are any typos, it's because I can't see right now.

love Sara :)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Coming out of the "Blogger Closet."

When I first started this blog the only people who knew about it were me and my viewers. And over time I got more comfortable with my blog so I told my best friend. And then when I got to 200 views I told my parents. And along the way as more and more friends found out I become more and more comfortable with telling people. But then suddenly I realized this safe place I had created for myself had just sort of turned on me. I realized maybe I wasn't comfort with my friends knowing. Maybe they wouldn't understand. Especially the friends who don't know me well enough. I created this blog as an outlet for myself; a sort of safe heaven to express myself and whatever else I wanted to talk about. But now I'm afraid to post the latest blog to my twitter in fear that a friend will see it and judge it. And that's just crazy! I should be afraid or ashamed of this blog that I have created. I should be happy and fearless, but I'm not. At a time where I should be proud of what I was doing, I was hiding from it. Or better yet hiding it from me and my people.
I don't know if anyone else has something similar to this, but I have to imagine that somebody must have felt this way too. Especially people on YouTube. I can't imagine starting a YouTube channel. I just have to explain a blog. They have to explain sitting in their room in front of a camera and talking to themselves... But regardless of what you're doing, whether it be a sport, a project, a book, etc. people should be ashamed of it. It sort of reminds me of one of my favorite posts. "Fiat once it made you happy, never regret it." I have loved this blog and I have put a lot of time and effort into it. I shouldn't be anything but happy with it.
I guess what the whole point of this post is, is for you all to know and understand more of me. To get where I'm coming from and to hopefully find a way to relate to me. All I ever wanted from this blog is a way for me to express myself to the world and for people like you reading this now, to benefit from what I have to say. I never want there to be a day where it's a chore for me to write this and a bother for you to read it. If that day ever came I think I'd reconsider doing this blog and I'd hope you, the reader, would figure out a way to make it more fun for yourself. That's all for today. See you all next time!

P.S. Sorry for the irregularities with posting... Been working on a few logistics this week. I'll try to make it better next week.

Love Sara :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Welcome Back.

Its been a crazy few weeks but I'm finally back. I had about 24 hours of traveling the other day and only sleep for about 5 hours after because of jet lag :( 
But now that I'm home the schedule for my posts will be more regular (maybe). I have a trip to Florida (Key West), and then to California (San Diego). I will probably be doing three to four posts a week, so make sure you check in so you don't miss any. Also my Spanish posts will be coming out in the next few weeks and I will have a video for you all at the end.

Thanks it for now. See you tomorrow!
Love Sara :)

Monday, July 14, 2014


Shoes. Shoes are the make-up of the outfit. Without them the outfit is still beautiful, they just make it even prettier. Basically, I love shoes.

And since I have a trip to Spain, I have a reason to buy more shoes! So I have bought three shoes that I'd love to show you! 

First shoes are a sort of boot with a slight heel.

They are adorable and surprisingly comfy.

I can just imagine wearing them anywhere. (P.s. I got them at DSW on clearance so they might be hard to find.)

Second shoes, are Keds, and they are adorable as well.

They are sneakers with out being super serious sneakers.

And since they are black and white floral they look good with anything.

Last pair of shoes are sandals that I found at Marshalls with a little bit of a twist...

From the front they look like regular shoes but from the side...

They have little cut out parts. Super cute and super comfy. Sort of a little gap to let air through and so or don't sweat as much.

Hope you guys enjoy things like this. I'm so used to quote of the day, and sharing theovr posts that this is sort of a nice little change for me. And it would be even better if you liked it too! Let me know in the comments below, and I will see you next time!

Love Sara :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Quote of the Day: July 7

"We can't all be Washingtons, but we can all be patriots." -Charles F. Browne

Since July 4th was just last week, I'm feeling a little patriotic! I found a quote that relates to patriotic-ness and has an actually meaningful message behind it, which can relate to more than just a countries and being patriot. To me this can also mean, just because we can't all be the leader or the one who started it all, doesn't mean we can't believe in the cause. If we all decided being in charge was most important nothing would ever be done. 

Love Sara :)