
Friday, July 25, 2014

Coming out of the "Blogger Closet."

When I first started this blog the only people who knew about it were me and my viewers. And over time I got more comfortable with my blog so I told my best friend. And then when I got to 200 views I told my parents. And along the way as more and more friends found out I become more and more comfortable with telling people. But then suddenly I realized this safe place I had created for myself had just sort of turned on me. I realized maybe I wasn't comfort with my friends knowing. Maybe they wouldn't understand. Especially the friends who don't know me well enough. I created this blog as an outlet for myself; a sort of safe heaven to express myself and whatever else I wanted to talk about. But now I'm afraid to post the latest blog to my twitter in fear that a friend will see it and judge it. And that's just crazy! I should be afraid or ashamed of this blog that I have created. I should be happy and fearless, but I'm not. At a time where I should be proud of what I was doing, I was hiding from it. Or better yet hiding it from me and my people.
I don't know if anyone else has something similar to this, but I have to imagine that somebody must have felt this way too. Especially people on YouTube. I can't imagine starting a YouTube channel. I just have to explain a blog. They have to explain sitting in their room in front of a camera and talking to themselves... But regardless of what you're doing, whether it be a sport, a project, a book, etc. people should be ashamed of it. It sort of reminds me of one of my favorite posts. "Fiat once it made you happy, never regret it." I have loved this blog and I have put a lot of time and effort into it. I shouldn't be anything but happy with it.
I guess what the whole point of this post is, is for you all to know and understand more of me. To get where I'm coming from and to hopefully find a way to relate to me. All I ever wanted from this blog is a way for me to express myself to the world and for people like you reading this now, to benefit from what I have to say. I never want there to be a day where it's a chore for me to write this and a bother for you to read it. If that day ever came I think I'd reconsider doing this blog and I'd hope you, the reader, would figure out a way to make it more fun for yourself. That's all for today. See you all next time!

P.S. Sorry for the irregularities with posting... Been working on a few logistics this week. I'll try to make it better next week.

Love Sara :)

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