
Monday, March 10, 2014


We all have them. Whether they're really here for you or not, that is the question. They can call you pretty or walk with you to class, but will they stick with you through the hard stuff? How do you know they're here to stay? There isn't a contract you sign or a oath you take. No real obligation they have to you. So what do you do to make sure they're real friends. I don't know the answer. I mean,  does anyone know the answer? Just like love, friendship is a game of chance. You have to have a little faith in people to know the answer for sure. And trust me, if ever someone wasn't a true friend when you thought they'd be, don't sweat it. Anyone who breaks your heart doesn't have the right to take up the time and energy of your mind and emotions. Don't mop around after someone breaks your heart; and certainly don't blame yourself. The worst thing you could do is self-blame. Some people just don't want to stay around, they never have and never will. This is NOT your fault. You are a strong, independent, amazing person; and whether you're a boy or girl you have the ability to rule the world; you can accomplish anything. And don't let anything or anyone stop you. I know this sort of went of topic, but the point is friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, anyone really, is not guaranteed to be there for you forever. They might leave you. And if they do you'll be okay. Trust their decision and trust yourself; that's the best thing you can do.

Love Sara :)

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