
Friday, April 25, 2014

Babies, Babies, and More Babies...

Today I think I'm going to try something new. Normal I stick to my Quote of the Day, Sharing the love, etc. But today I going to do more of a "Day in the Life" sort of thing. This past weekend I spent with a lot of my family. I went to my cousins house to see her and her four kids, and I went to see my sister and her newborn baby; hence the title of this post.

First I'll start off with my cousins house. My cousin Jenn has four kids, two boys and two girls, and the two who I spend time with the most is Maggie and Katie, the two girls. Like any four year old girl they love disney. And anyone who has been not living under a rock for the best few months knows the major disney movie that came out a while ago, Frozen. And like any awesome person we blasted Frozen music for the better part of three hours. They were adorable and they even re enacted the beginning few minutes of Frozen, when Anna and Elsa are young kids. They also experimented with my phone and found there is a camera on the front of the phone. I now have twenty selfie of them similar to this:

(And another cute one of them.)
I don't know what it is about kids but they are just the cutest! And it was good I had the next two days to spend with my sister and her one month old because my baby limit was no where near past. I was ready to meet my niece for the first time and I was ready for the cutest. There was a long ferry ride between me and my sister but I just stayed in the car like the lazy teenager I am, while my mom, who hates boats and water, hyperventilated on deck.

Anyway, back to my niece Catelyn. She is just the cutest thing! And she has got to be the luckiest girl in the world, since my sister is white and her husband is black she has the color that just looks like she's constantly tan, soooo jealous. Also, babies are the cutest when they yawn. Their little faces get all scrunched up and they just look so cute. Their only down fault is the crying. Literally I go to hold her and she cries the loudest I have ever heard a baby cry.... Just my luck! And that's always my fear with babies. I just imagine the baby being totally fine in the moms' hands and then she passes the baby to me and the babies cries, and then the mom looks at me like I'm a killer. The anxiety.... :/ But in all seriousness, isn't she the cutest. :)

(Baby Catelyn)

 Well that's it for this post. Tell me in the comments if you liked this. I'm not sure if I'll do anything like this again, but I might if you guys liked it. Also sorry if the wording of it sounded weird but I'm not perfect at writing. See you next week, and I promise I will finish off the three part hair series I was doing.

Love Sara :)

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