
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Quote of the Day: June 17

First off I apologize if I go off on a rant while trying to explain this. I rant to easy. (was that even english?? "I rant"....) Today's quote of the day isn't actually a quote I found, but one I made. I was having a conversation with my friend, and he was describing to me this girl that he really likes. He had gotten her flowers when she was in the school musical, he had asked her out to prom really cutely, they had gone to prom together and she said it was a great night; basically he had done all these cute things and she just wouldn't go out with him on a proper date. And he was saying how he thought he would never get her because of the cute things he had done, and how he was being a "nice guy." Which is crazy because he was basically Augustus Waters and how would anyone not want to go out with him?He was saying "nice guys finish last," "I'll never get her," etc. So of course like any good friend I reassured him of his awesomeness. (Now is when the quote comes in.) I told him:

"Nice guys finish last to girls who don't matter."

Aren't I the best? ;) Hope you guys enjoyed today's post. I will see you tomorrow with something a little bit different.

Love Sara :)

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